What is water therapy?

Plants that are extremely underwatered, sun-damaged, or have seriously lacked sunlight after being in a shipping box for an extended amount of time might benefit from some water therapy. Remove all the soil from the roots and put the roots in water for about 24-72 hours. Soil has organic matter in it and can result in rot if the root is fed with so much water, so it’s important that you clean all the soil off the roots before starting water therapy. Also, make sure that you place just the roots under water and not any other parts of the succulents. You may see the plants perk right up, become more revitalized, and new growth may start to appear.

What to do after water therapy?

Once your plant has plumped up remove it from the water. The roots become vulnerable to bruises or damages if the plant is to be potted after water therapy. Let the roots completely dry out for a couple of days before replanting the succulents in soil so that you have a lower chance of breaking the roots during the process. Avoid watering your succulents immediately after replanting them to prevent root rot—wait until the roots have calloused over instead.

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