Are Rosularia the same as Sempervivums?

Although Rosularia is not actually a Sempervivum, they are usually listed with them because the two plants have a very similar appearance. Rosularia grows in small rosettes with flat green succulent foliage, much like hens and chicks. Depending on the variety, Rosularia foliage often has red, purple or yellow margins that may be covered in tiny hairs, called cilia. When present, these small hairs help plants capture water and nutrients and transport them to the root zone.

Caring for rosularia

1) It is an alpine plant that can tolerate freezing temperatures, hence it does not do well in extremely warm temperatures

2) Do not place in full sun condition as it is too hot for Rosularia

3) Water only when the lower leaves have shrivelled slightly

4) Use well-draining soil mix with little organics

5) Propagated by rooted offsets

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